iPod Nano

Video in your pocket.

Its the small iPod with one very big idea: video. The worlds most popular music player now lets you enjoy movies, TV shows, and more on a two-inch display thats 65% brighter than before.

Cover Flow.

Browse through your music collection by flipping through album art. Select an album to turn it over and see the track list. 

Enhanced interface.

Experience a whole new way to browse and view your music and video.

Sleek and colorful.

With an anodized aluminum and polished stainless steel enclosure and a choice of five colors, iPod nano is dressed to impress.


Available as a free download, iTunes makes it easy to browse and buy millions of songs, movies, TV shows, audiobooks, and games and download free podcasts all at the iTunes Store. And you can import your own music, manage your whole media library, and sync your iPod or iPhone with ease.

  • Marca: Apple
  • Código Producto: iPod Nano
  • Disponibilidad: En Existencia
  • "Promoción: Descuento a partir de 3pzas"
  • Precio de: $1,800.00
  • backorder
  • Precio en Puntos de Premio: 100
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Costo válido a 2025-03-11
Apple Especificaciones iPod Nano

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